Snow Management

Snow Removal Information
Depending on where you live in Sully Station II will determine who is responsible for snow removal for the streets.
If you need to report issues or concerns about the snow plowing please call the management office at 703-266-2020 or the Customer Service line at 703-385-1133.
Townhome Neighborhoods
The Association is responsible for plowing snow in all the townhome neighborhood streets and parking areas. Snow removal begins once at least 2 inches of snow accumulation have been observed as determined by the snow removal vendor. Streets and driving lanes will be plowed first. Parking spaces will be plowed if there is ample room for the equipment. Sanding of streets and parking lots will be done automatically once the plowing is completed (if conditions dictate).
Residents are responsible for removing snow directly behind their vehicles. Some additional accumulation of snow behind your vehicles should be expected when the plow truck pushes snow (this cannot be avoided as they cannot risk damage to vehicles). 
Single-Family Home Streets
All streets in the single-family home sections are the responsibility of Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). If you need snow plowing on any of the state dedicated streets in the single-family home sections, please call VDOT Toll-Free at 1-800-367-7623. You can also visit VDOT’s Website at or for Snow Removal info for Single Family state maintained streets. The Association does not plow snow from the pipe stems.  The individual owners who share the common roads (pipe stems) are responsible for their own snow plowing.
The Association is not responsible for plowing or removing snow from any sidewalks, except the Community Center sidewalk. Efforts will be made to clear sidewalks at the school bus stops only after VDOT has plowed their roads. As a courtesy and safety precaution for students, snow will be removed from the sidewalk along Sully Park Drive from Stone Road to Braddock Road on the Ormond Stone School side only, once VDOT has cleared snow from Sully Park Drive.