Assessment Payments
  • chevron_rightHow much are assessments?
    The assessment is a monthly fee that depend on the style of home that an owner has. The breakdown as of January 01, 2025 is as follows:
    Townhomes - $128.00
    Single-Family - $105.30
    Estate - $147.35
  • chevron_rightHow can I pay my assessments?
    Residents have two options for paying their assessments:
    1. Mail a check with the coupon booklet they receive in the mail to:
    Sully Station II Community Association
    c/o FirstService Residential
    PO Box 30403
    Tampa, FL 33
    2. Pay online via ClickPay either by echeck or card by visiting their website here.
  • chevron_rightWhy do I have to pay a monthly assessment?
    The monthly assessments allow the Association to function and operate to preserve its assets and enhance the amenities and activities for the community. By paying these assessments it also provides residents with a number of benefits including, but not limited to, Common Area maintenance, Community Center maintenance, pool usage, trash collection, pet waste stations, snow removal, and more.
Community Information
  • chevron_rightWhat is a Homeowners of Community Association?
    The Homeowners or Community Association is a legal corporation organized and incorporated under the laws of your state or commonwealth. By purchasing a home within your community association, you automatically become a member of the association and will remain so for as long as you own your home. Membership in the association is mandatory and automatic for all owners. The deed to each lot and/or parcel specifically designates that the property owner will comply with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) of the association. You should have received a copy of these documents at the time your home purchase was closed by the title company. As a property owner in a community association, you will be required to pay assessments, abide by the community’s rules and restrictions and maintain those areas of your home for which you are responsible.
  • chevron_rightHow many homes are in Sully Station II?
    There are 1,320 homes total in Sully Station II. 846 are townhomes, 406 are single-family homes, and 68 are estates homes.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I find Sully Station II governing documents & policies?
    Owners of Sully Station II can view the governing documents and policies by logging on to the FSRConnect Resident Portal.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the names of the local schools for the Sully Station II community?
    Sully Station II children may attend Deer Park Elementary School, Stone Middle School and the new state-of-the-art Westfield High School – all part of the renowned Fairfax County Public School System. Many excellent private schools are also nearby.
  • chevron_rightIs there a noise ordinance for Sully Station II?
    Sully Station II does not have a noise ordinance in their governing documents. However, Fairfax County does have a noise ordinance which varies depending on the source of the sound. For additional information on the Fairfax County noise ordinance, please click here.
  • chevron_rightWhat is Sully Station II Community Association's Mission?
    Sully Station II’s mission is to maintain a quality of lifestyle for all community residents while also preserving homeowner value.  We work to provide each resident the opportunity to enjoy various recreational opportunities, the beauty of our community’s natural surroundings, and the company of neighbors while celebrating the various traditions and festivities during the year. The association acts as the vehicle to help bring neighbors together to foster a sense of community. The Sully Station II Community is “a great place to live and call home”.
Community Pool
Landscaping Maintenance
Parking & Towing
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Parking Rules and Regulations for townhomes owners?
    Between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., daily  (7 days a week, including holidays) all vehicles parked within the Townhome cluster common area parking lots (excluding Battery Ridge & Section 1) must display a valid cluster parking permit issued by the Association. Each townhome within the mixed townhome sections that have permit parking approved by the Board of Trustees will be issued two parking permits.   All vehicles, whether owned by residents or visitors of residents, must park within their specific cluster common area designated by the Association’s site plan.  Any such vehicle that parks within any other cluster common area will be subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s risk and expense.  The cluster parking permits have a number to indicate which cluster the permit is issued for.  Residents must park in the corresponding section number, which is painted on the curb of the parking space  (i.e. if the first two numbers on your permit are the numbers “02”, you need to park in a Section “2” cluster parking space).
  • chevron_rightHow long can a visitor park in an open visitor space?
    Visitors can park in an open space for up to three days. If the vehicle is observed at any time in a day, that counts as one day. If the vehicle is observed parked in a space on the fourth day then it is subject to tow.
  • chevron_rightHow many parking passes can I have?
    Townhome residents can have no more than two parking passes at a time.
    Section 1 and Battery Ridge townhomes are not provided any parking passes.
  • chevron_rightMy parking pass is broken/damaged/lost. How do I obtain a new one?
    If you have your hanging tag and want to replace it:
    Residents simply have to visit the Community Center located at 5501 Sully Park Drive, Centreville VA 20120 and complete a Parking Pass Application Form to have your hanging tag replaced at no cost. The previous parking pass will be made invalid and can no longer be used.
    If you lost/misplaced your hanging tag and need a replacement:
    Residents have to visit the Community Center located at 5501 Sully Park Drive, Centreville VA 20120 and complete a Parking Pass Application Form to have your hanging tag replaced. A fee of $100 must be paid before a replacement will be provided. The previous parking pass will be made invalid and can no longer be used.
  • chevron_rightIf my car is towed what Towing Services company do I call?
    Battlefield Towing is contracted with Sully Station II to tow any unauthorized vehicle that does not display a valid parking permit in non visitor parking spaces. If your car has been towed or you want to report a car for towing you can contact them at 703-378-0059.
Pet Waste Stations
  • chevron_rightWhat is a pet waste station?
    Sully II has a number of pet waste stations in our common areas to motivate dog owners to pick up after their pets. The complete pet station includes a bag dispenser which is mounted on a post with a reflective pet sign.  You will find these stations along with their trash receptacle containers throughout the community on the common ground areas. One of the great things about Sully Station II is the abundance of grassy common areas in the neighborhood that are used by our residents and their pets. In order to keep these areas clean for everyone’s use, it is important for all pet owners to make sure they pick up after their pets when going for walks. It is never a welcome surprise when someone comes across the droppings left behind by neglectful pet owners. Please remember to pick up after your pets when taking them for walks. Leaving pet droppings is not only unsanitary, but also against Fairfax County regulations.  Please be a scooper, not a pooper.
  • chevron_rightHow many pet waste stations are in the community and where are they located?
    There are 18 pet waste stations throughout the community. To view the locations of the pet waste stations please click here.
Resales/Selling Your Home
  • chevron_rightHow do I order a resale package?
    To order a resale package please visit the FirstService Residential website to place your order here.
  • chevron_rightWhat happens after a resale package is ordered?
    Within 14 days, the onsite management team performs a thorough inspection of your home to determine if there are any outstanding violations. This includes any potential unapproved exterior modifications and maintenance items that need to be brought into compliance. After the inspection is complete the resale package will be sent to you with the violations, any outstanding assessments that are due, and the governing documents of the association.
Snow Removal
  • chevron_rightDoes Sully Station II provide snow removal services?
    The Association will provide snow removal services for the parking lot of the community center, all townhome parking lots and ingress/egress streets, and the private streets at Sully Estates. The main arterial streets serving the Sully Station II community and all streets for the single-family detached neighborhoods are dedicated to the Virginia Department of Transportation. Thus, the state will have ultimate responsibility for snow removal and maintenance services for these streets.
  • chevron_rightWhen does snow removal start during a weather event?
    Snow plows begin snow removal upon 2 inches of snow accumulation. This goes for both Sully Station II private streets as well as VDOT maintained roads.
Trash & Recycling Collection
  • chevron_rightWho is our trash collection provider?
    Republic Services is the trash collection vendor for Sully Station II. They can be reached at 703-818-8222.
  • chevron_rightWhen are trash and recycling?
    Trash pickup occurs on Tuesday and Friday. Recycling occurs on Tuesday.
  • chevron_rightWhen is yard waste collected?
    Yard waste is collected on Tuesday.
    Residents must use compostable paper bags for grass clippings and leaves. Personal cans may be used; however, they need to be marked “yard debris”. Containers should be secure so they will not blow away.  Tree limbs and brush must be no longer than 4 feet in length and 3 inches thick in diameter. These items must be tied with rope or twine in arm length bundles. Republic Services will collect a maximum of 10 bags of grass clippings and/or leaves, and 10 bundles of brush per pick up. There will be an extra charge if you would like to schedule additional removal of these items. Please call Republic Services in advance for pricing and to schedule. Items that are bagged and bundled are not to exceed 50 lbs. Concrete, rocks, mulch, sod, and dirt are not accepted. The weight limit for yard debris is 35 lbs. or less per bag or container. 
  • chevron_rightDoes the trash company provide bulk item pickup?
    Yes, Republic Services will perform bulk pickup services by request only. Household items that are the equivalent of 2 cubic yards (4' X 4' X 4') will be picked up at no extra cost to residents. Bulk pickup is available for larger items and appliances at an additional cost. Please call Republic Services at 703-818-8222 to schedule a bulk pickup. 
    For additional information related to bulk pickup please click here.